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Thumbnail 1 - Krosno Avant Garde Champagne Flute
Thumbnail 2 - Krosno Avant Garde Champagne Flute

Krosno Avant Garde Champagne Flute


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Expertly crafted champagne flutes, ergonomically designed utilizing the best materials in order to ensure quality.

These wonderful glasses are expertly created and manufactured by Krosno - a European glass manufacturer whose aim is to create wonderful glassware that is not only beautiful to look at, but also durable with a longer than average life-span in homes around the world.

These beautiful champagne flutes are not only a wonder to look at and use, but are also sturdy. They are crystalline glasses, meaning they are glass that has been enriched with certain minerals to help improve durability. Not only are they more durable than regular glass, but the enrichment process helps light refract differently through these glasses, creating a rather beautiful effect.

So, what can these beautiful glasses be used for? Well, champagne and sparkling wine, of course! Thanks to their shape, the glasses help trap more bubbles inside, helping the beverage stay bubbly for longer. They are also perfect for brunch beverages such as mimosas, or any beverage that can be mixed with a sparkling beverage.

Storage Instructions

Store your unopened bottle in a cool, dry, and dark place safe from constant vibration. Keep your bottle horizontal in a wine rack or cellar to retain the moistness of the cork. The ideal temperature for storage is between 7 to 15°C. Once opened, a bottle will be good for 3 to 5 days standing upright in the refrigerator.