The Saint-Romain Le Village from the world-renowned wineries of Edouard Delaunay hails from the famous Côte de Beaune in the Bourgogne region in France. This area is known for the expressive Pinot Noir wines produced here, as well as the deep, refreshing Chardonnay.
The Edouard Delaunay Saint-Romain Le Village is an expressive wine. It offers boldness and slight acidity that is complemented and refreshed by the extreme dryness of the wine. To the eye: a light, complex golden yellow is introduced with faint splashes of green. On the nose: notes of vanilla, citrus, and pastries can be observed with a nice, rich oakiness accentuated with floral undertones. On the palate: it is an extremely refreshing wine thanks to the soft acidity and intense dryness. Notes of lemon and vanilla are noted with a nice, deep oakiness. It has a medium finish and is perfect with light fish and vegetarian dishes. It also works rather well as an aperitif thanks to the lightness on the palate.
Store your unopened bottle in a cool, dry, and dark place safe from constant vibration. Keep your bottle horizontal in a wine rack or cellar to retain the moistness of the cork. The ideal temperature for storage is between 7 to 15°C. Once opened, a bottle will be good for 3 to 5 days standing upright in the refrigerator.