Anna Spinato Rosatto is a delightful rose wine with soft pink with a hint of orange color.
On the nose, it exudes aromas of rose, wild fruit, and spices with traces of coastal pine. The mouthfeel is excellent, with a lovely blend of sweet fruit and a salty touch. The freshness properly complements the body’s roundness and provides excellent drinkability.
Food pairings include spaghetti with tomato sauce, pizza, carrots, and strawberries. Eel with tomato sauce on top.
This wine has won several awards, including:
Gilbert Gaillard Silver for 2018
Catavinum World Wine & Spirits Competition for 2018
Bronze, Decanter Asia Wine Awards for 2018
China Wine & Spirits Awards for 2019
Store your unopened bottle in a cool, dry, and dark place safe from constant vibration. Keep your bottle horizontal in a wine rack or cellar to retain the moistness of the cork. The ideal temperature for storage is between 7 to 15°C. Once opened, a bottle will be good for 5 to 7 days standing upright in the refrigerator.