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Thumbnail 1 - Helios Raspberry Natural Jam

Helios Raspberry Natural Jam


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Helios Raspberry Natural Jam is the perfect representation of this traditional, and well-loved jam.

Helios have perfected the art and craft of creating preserves. They believe in tradition as well as natural ingredients, so as not to taint the flavor of the fruit they use in creating such preserves. Nothing is as traditional as a pot of raspberry jam. One of the most popular jams in the world, this delicious jam is used in many facets of dining, from breakfast to dessert.

However, like its jam brothers and sisters, raspberry jam does not need to be relegated to the dusty halls of breakfast and afternoon tea fare, nor limited to the confines of desserts. Instead, this delicious jam may also be used to help elevate a delicious main course. But where should this be used? Granted, it cannot be used for every dish, just as cranberry sauce has its place next to turkey, but the meals it can enhance are to die for. Perhaps you are craving a beautiful plate of conejo con chocolate (rabbit with chocolate). Simply use a spoonful of this delicious raspberry jam to cut through the gaminess of the meat, and to further enhance the bitterness of the chocolate.

Storage Instructions

Store in a cool dry place. Keep in fridge after opening.