The Coquet Summer Bundle B is all about flavor and contrasts. The products included in the bundle are not only designed to set your taste-buds dancing, but to also leave you satisfied and refreshed.
Coquet Small Pickled Gherkins - these delicious, flavorful gherkins are about as versatile as they come. Balanced with the right acidity, saltiness, and slight sweetness, they are refreshing and palatable.
Coquet Sweet Garlic Cloves With Fresh Herbs - these garlic cloves are not what you think they are. As they have been preserved in an excellent olive oil infused with herbs, the bite and acidity from the olives has been replaced with a tantalizing sweetness. The result is a galicky bite that won’t destroy your palate.
These delicious items go very well as part of a charcuterie plate, or perhaps as an accompaniment to a meat board of chorizo and salchichon. Or simply enjoy snacking on them with a good, dry sparkling wine or champagne.